Support Our Signature Programs
Our Signature programs are divided into three easy to engage formats: Virtual Facilitated, Self-Paced, and In-Person Facilitated Programs. You choose your level of commitment. We encourage participants to enter at the top of the pyramid (Fiddler’s Green and Stable Calls) to begin increasing their capacity eventually working through all six of our programs. We invite you to begin building Purpose, Belonging, and Well-being to help yourself (and fellow veterans you will meet along the way) turn post-combat stress into post-combat growth. Still uncertain? Send us an email at — we are here to help you along your journey.

Virtual Programs
1. Fiddlers Green (TF Saber Veterans)
Our lowest level entry into our programs for former TF Saber veterans. No barriers, no judgement, just connection to create Belonging. Join other TF Saber veterans for an informal video chat to share good news, express ideas or concerns, recognize our heroes, and remember our fallen. Historically, Fiddler’s Green represents a fabled tavern where the souls of the Cavalry collect and eternally revel in a 1923 poem that most Soldiers in Cav units memorize during Spur Rides, boards, and as a matter of our rich tradition. Members will also learn about the Foundation’s other offerings to aid them along their march to Ever-Better lives. Scheduled between more structured Stable Calls. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes by signing up for our newsletter!
2. Stable Calls (TF Saber Veterans and Families)
A more structured monthly virtual meet-up for TF Saber veterans and families to create Purpose, Belonging and Well-Being. We will do a check-in with attendees, share Saber Six Foundation news, and host a professional guest speaker for capacity building to help veterans and families create Ever-Better lives. Stay tuned for upcoming dates by signing up for our newsletter!
Self-Paced Programs
3. The 22-Day Trigger Challenge (Open to everyone!)
The Saber Six Foundation has teamed with Dr. Mark Goulston to create a process to help manage your triggers. When you control your triggers, you control your behavior. When you control your behavior, you become an ever-better you.
4. The Ever-Better Program (Open to everyone!)
Our newest and most comprehensive program yet. Designed to assist those who want a self-paced program. The program is hosted in our space on Circle, an online learning platform. It gives you tools for strengthening Purpose, Belonging, and Well-being, which are the three elements of Growth. The videos are short and actionable; you complete the program at your own pace. Get started today!*
*If you are a veteran ask us via our info button for your special discount code.
In Person Programs
5. Saber Challenge Adventure Series (Open to Veterans)
A periodic in-person gathering open to veterans and families to create Purpose, Belonging and Well-Being while spending time in the great outdoors. The outdoor setting will be in or near US National Parks across the United States to allow for as many attendees as possible. Rich in outdoor activities and adventure like bike riding, hiking, camping, rock climbing, white water rafting, backpacking, skiing, etc. all designed to push attendees slightly out of our normal comfort zones. Each event is different, so stay tuned!
6. TF Saber Annual Reunion
Held once a year on Veterans Day in supportive communities in various parts of the country to allow for many attendees. A celebration of Veterans and their great devotion and sacrifices to our country. Events over the weekend will vary, but always promise to be loads of fun to foster a strong sense of Purpose, Belonging and Well-Being. We hope to see you this Veteran’s Day! Stay tuned for more info by signing up for our newsletter.